Colin Watts
Sports Massage Therapy

All session times are for my time at the massage location including setup time but excluding travel times.

Price list:

The costs cover any consultation that takes place.

The 1st treatment includes the initial 20-30 minute consultation.

Standard Price:

available to all

75 minutes - £40 (1st treatment £45)

60 minutes - £35 (1st treatment £40)

45 minutes - £30 (1st treatment £35)


Concession 1

(may be available on request)

75 minutes - £35 (1st treatment £40)

60 minutes - £30 (1st treatment £35)

45 minutes - £25 (1st treatment £30)

Concession 2

(Avonvale RFC players)

75 minutes - £30 (1st treatment £35)

60 minutes - £25 (1st treatment £30)

45 minutes - £20 (1st treatment £25)

Gift Vouchers are available,
Payments can be made in cash, cheque or by bank transfer.